Update on Arment’s 110th Birthday Fundraising – See Who Your Donations Help

Update on our fundraiser - who YOU helped!

Posted on May 8th, 2024

First of all, a massive thank you to everyone who came to the fundraising event at our shop on Saturday 13th April. And a special shout out to our VIP guests Diane Gould, Pearly Queen of St. Pancras, and her son Simon Dole, Pearly King of Kings Cross, for joining us on the day.

We had a lot of fun celebrating our 110th birthday and hope you did too. It’s a special milestone we could never have reached without you, our incredible customers.

The day was about fun (and pie and mash of course!) but it was also about raising funds for Pearly Queen Diane’s two selected charities. Our raffle, win a bottle, or pie and mash for two, proved to be highly popular – and you were very generous with your donations.

So generous in fact that we managed to raise a truly impressive £450.00 for Diane’s two great causes!

Now the dust has settled, we’d like to thank you for your generous donations. They will certainly have a positive impact on the lives of young people suffering with cancer and other serious illnesses. To show you how much your support matters, we’d also like to introduce you to a brave teenager who’s been receiving cancer care and support from these charities.


Diane’s charities: Young Lives vs Cancer & Great Ormond Street Hospital

Great Ormond Street Hospital: 750 seriously ill children and young people are seen at Great Ormond Street Hospital every day of the year. As young lives hang in the balance, patients, families and staff come together to battle the most complex of illnesses.

Young Lives vs Cancer: The charity supports young cancer patients and their families, helping them obtain anything from financial aid for treatment, to free Homes from Home accommodation close to hospitals.


Diane knows first-hand the fantastic work these charities do

No one understands the importance of these charities more than Diane Gould. Her granddaughter, Leoni, still only 17 years old, has been undergoing treatment for non-Hodgkin lymphoma since she was 15, both at Great Ormond Street, and the Royal Marsden Hospital in Surrey.

Leoni and her family are deeply grateful for the dedication of the medical teams who battled at her side during her life-threatening illness.

During her treatment Leoni was placed in an induced coma, faced arduous rounds of chemotherapy, lost her hair, and even had to learn how to walk again. Unfortunately, she also missed out on a crucial year of education.


LM Thank You Gifts: Homemade candles to light up your life

However, Leoni didn’t let her missed education stop her from setting up her own small business making candles.

From square bubbles and tall pillars, to owls, and gnomes, the candles all come in a variety of shapes, and delicious scents. They’re made from pure soy wax, and make ideal gifts for friends and family.

“Bringing light and hope to those even in the darkest of times”

Leoni sees her business as a tribute to the human spirit, and as an encouragement to everyone struggling with their own personal battles, to persevere and greet each day with gratitude. Leoni’s also keen to give back to the charities that helped her get through incredibly tough times, so she gives 5% of her proceeds to Young Lives vs Cancer.

Leoni is continuing to receive cancer treatment and she has her good days and her bad days. On her good days she puts her all into running her business. We hope you find Leoni’s story as touching as we did. We had the pleasure of meeting her recently when passing on the money you helped us raised, and she is truly an inspiring young lady.  At Arments we’re privileged to have been able to support many good causes over the years, however Great Ormond Street and Young Lives vs Cancer are two special charities that have become very close to our heart.


Order Leoni’s candles here…

If you’d like to check out Leoni’s candles you can view and order them, via her Instagram page










Or you can purchase them via email at:  LMTHANKYOUGIFTS@AOL.COM

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